Logistica e-commerce

Company specialized in logistics services for ecommerce websites

Fast and flexible solutions thanks to last-generation technologies, both for hanging garments and goods packaged flat – for ambitious customers.

  • We have a storage capacity for 1.1 million hanging items plus 60,000 m2 of warehouse space for 1.8 million items packaged flat;
  • The hanging goods and those packed in boxes are shipped together;
  • Three systems for electronically detecting the inbound and outbound goods

Once the goods have been scanned and checked, a document is drafted regarding the quality of these goods.

Any defects are photographed and the customer company notified. PVS offers a complete, defect-free system.

Warehouses belonging to the Group:


  • Over 15,000 m2 of warehouse space;
  • More than 10,000 pallet positions.

Find out more on ecommerce B2B

Find out more on Management Warehouse

Find out more on Management Logistics

Logistics for ecommerce

PVS Service Italia ecommerce logistics offers logistics services for ecommerce, ecommerce website projects with logistics, marketing services for your ecommerce, management of shipping and logistics, with headquarters in Parma and branches throughout Europe